A Modernised Control System
Studer speciality cheese dairy has more than a century and a half of experience. Its most popular brands are the specialities “Der scharfe Maxx”, “Der edle Maxx”, and “Füürtüfel”. Various semi-hard cheeses, hard cheeses, and increasing numbers of organic cheeses are produced from raw milk.

Käserei Studer in Hatswil TG has expanded its production, relying on the expertise and experience of Staedler’s employees.
The expansion building has brought the control unit to the current state of the art, permitting steady analysis and optimisation of processes. The option of constantly improving processes permits more sustainable production. Specifically, wastewater is minimised, energy is used in the best manner possible at all times, and further optimised. All in all, the new cheese dairy control system ensures greater flexibility.
In order to implement this project, three or four employees of Staedler Automation AG at a time programmed a new control unit for Käserei Studer, directly replacing the old operation within a few days. The development posed challenges to us in terms of how to gradually integrate the existing system into the conversions, enlargements, and new buildings. Some changes were made with interruptions of just a few hours.

The expansion could be completed in the spring of 2022, when the control system was successfully put into operation.
Marcel Meier, head of production at Käserei Studer, is perfectly happy with the Staedler control system: “the new Staedler control system now allows us to produce the same amount more quickly, more efficiently, and more ecologically – from milk receipt to milk tanks, milk treatment, cheese production, cassette presses, and the brine bath. This facilitates work for the entire team. Automation makes it possible to produce the entire amount from Monday to Friday, leaving the weekends reliably free.”